Machines A Sous En Ligne

Elect Brian Paddick for London Mayor 2012

5 reasons why people are switching to Brian Paddick

Brian Paddick. The Londoner's Mayor

1. Fairer Fares
Brian will help those who can least afford to travel by introducing a One Hour Bus Ticket, 'Early Bird' tube discounts for those travelling before 7.30am and Part-Time Season Tickets so part-time workers get the same discounts as full-time workers.
2. 360,000 New Homes
Brian will tackle London's housing crisis by building 360,000 new homes over 10 years, half of which will be affordable housing.
3. Youth Hubs
Brian will create a network of places for young people to go where they can socialise and get support and advice, giving them a positive alternative to gangs.
4. Keeping You Safe
Brian will use his 30 years' experience as a police officer to bring down crime, tackle racism at the Met and rebuild trust in the police by getting the police and communities working together against the criminals.
5. Cleaner, Greener Transport
Brian will make all London's buses and taxis electric by 2020, as well as most commercial vans.

View the full manifesto

"It's a properly liberal and progessive agenda" Dave Hill, The Guardian
"The best lines came, once again from the Lib Dems' Brian Paddick" Andrew Gilligan, Daily Telegraph

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